After matriculation exam, we have to choose the university. At that time, we searched the private university which offers the bachelor or degree within 3 or 4 years without going abroad. One of my cousins suggested me to join STI, one the best private universities in Myanmar. If I have to share the experience of student life in STI Myanmar University, it is very great to share. To pass the each classes of the school, we had both project assignments and exam and so we have to focus on our studies. On the other hand, we had a lot of fun during student life at STI. Many activities and festivals are also held and all of the students have to participate and join. Therefore, we have to manage our time to balance the study time and fun and so we had practical to study the theories. We had to choose the university between Open University of Hong Kong and University of I chose to join the Open University of Hong Kong in final year because of the systemic courses of OUHK and its rank. I gained many experiences and knowledge after finishing my degree.